Read all the blue sections to better understand the documentation and the orange sections signifying the alert so avoid mistakes to be made during integrations and detailed integration procedures.
API keys are your digital references towards PayDunya systems. We use them to identify your account and the applications you will create. These keys are necessary for any integration of the APIs of PayDunya's payments APIs. Here are the steps to follow:
First you need have a PayDunya Business account activated. Create one if it is not yet the case.
Login to your account and click on Integration API at the menu level on the left.
Click on the button Set up a new application and fill out the form.
Choose Test mode, I want to make payment tests
Enable production mode
Go to the following link: click here
Fill in your magento credentials ie password and email and login
After logging in you have to go to the tab Marketplace
Go to the tab My products
and AccessKeys
Then choose Magento 2
because there is Magento 2 and magento 1 or the PayDunya module has been set in compatibility with the Magento 2
Enter the name you want to match your new keys
Validate the name by pressing the button ok
and you will have the appearance of your public and private keys
La public key
is your authentication username and the private key
is your authentication key for the magento repository
You must type the following command to download the PayDunya magento module.
composer require paydunyadev/magento-psr
After doing this command you will be asked to put your credentials and there you will do as follows
Username = public key of magento
, Password = private key of magento
Then you will see the installed module.
Login by going to Dashboard
as an administrator by putting your admin credentials
empty the cash with the button flush Magentocash
go to the tab store and then in the sub-tabconfiguration
scroll down the drop-down menu sales
go in payment methods
go to PayDunya and scroll down and configure it:
Enabled = yes
New order status = Pending payment
Redirect customer to paydunya instead ofiframe = yes
save the changes with save config